Hello world!

This is the first Sebosis post on our new website, hence the title – Hello World.
I doubt K&R every thought “Hello World” would become what it has.


Sebosis is a small consulting and contract software development firm.  For decades we have built software using the best practices, techniques and tools for the client’s current and future needs.  We continue not to be wed to particular technologies, but to a laser sharp focus on the software users’ efficacy and to leverage the best software product development practices in order to most efficiently create the best and evolving solution.

Sebosis has been around long enough that its principals have started looking a bit outward and toward bring their software creation knowledge to bare on activities they see as worthwhile.  In January, 2019, it was decided an effort would be made to facilitate transparency between average people and actions that impact them.  The focus would be activities largely, and generally for good reason, ignored or merely neglected.

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